If you’re looking to grow your network in Bucks County, PA and develop new relationships in your community, these suggestions can help you.
1. Network as Much as Possible
Establish a plan to get out and meet people. United Way hosts community networking events throughout the year that you can attend. Also, be certain to keep up-to-date on community events by regularly monitoring the news. Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities to mix and mingle.
2. Volunteer
When you commit to helping those in need, you also meet people in your community. Establish relationships with those who share your convictions and interests. You could meet new business partners and develop lifelong friendships. And again, you get to be of service to the causes that benefit Bucks County. That includes being there for your most vulnerable neighbors. At Bucks United Way, we can connect you to the best volunteer opportunities in Bucks County and so many other unique ways for you to give back.
3. Raise Money for Charities
If you’ve ever hosted a fundraiser for a nonprofit, then you know how rewarding it can be. You and your guests typically have a great time, and you raise the necessary money that benefits your community. Plus, you normally meet a lot of new people who are committed to the greater good. Although fundraisers require some leg work on your end, you can pull them off. If you’ve never inquired as to how United Way can be of service with your fundraisers, consider finding out more information today. Any charitable donations in Bucks County can help an individual or group of people in the community with food, supplies and whatever else they may need.
4. Utilize Social Media
Modern technology makes it easier than ever for you to meet new people. Think about how useful social media can be. Especially if you’re interested in meeting younger people, you need to utilize the various web-based platforms more. Be certain, though, to always keep your profiles clean. When using social media, try to utilize app versions as much as possible. You’re able to stay connected, even when you’re on the go.
5. Follow Up on Commitments
Failure to keep your promises will not help you develop new, positive relationships. As you look to establish connections and friendships, remember people want to meet those they can trust. Keep track of your commitments.
Don’t Forget These Five Great Tips
If you’re interested in learning more, contact United Way of Bucks County today. You can unlock even more ways to establish better relationships in your community and learn how to help your Bucks County neighbors in need. Stay in touch by following us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkenIn, and Twitter, @uwbucks and stay up to date on the latest by signing up for our email list at bit.ly/uwbucksemail.