United Way of Bucks County kicked off its annual Holiday Gift Card Drive for older kids in need this holiday season.
Now in its 10th year, the program provides gift cards for children who are too old for conventional toy drives. United Way expects to serve kids in every single zip code in Bucks County this year – a total of about 2,000 young people.
“Over the past decade, our Holiday Gift Card Drive has helped more than 11,000 local teens and tweens have a bright holiday,” said Marissa Christie, President & CEO at United Way of Bucks County. “We invite everyone in the community to open their hearts and give this year. Whether these kids are in foster care, recently lost a parent, or money is just tight for their families, having a gift to look forward to will help them feel valued instead of forgotten.”
Christie also notes that donations to the drive can be made in honor of a loved one. “If anyone is looking for holiday gift ideas, this is truly the gift that keeps on giving,” she said. “We’ll send the person you are honoring a special holiday card explaining the impact of your gift.”
The nonprofit emphasizes that making a direct donation is the most effective way for community members to help. Online donations allow United Way to purchase more gift cards in bulk at a discount – and that means being able to help more kids.
Donations can be made online at www.uwbucks.org/giftcarddrive or by check, mailed to United Way of Bucks County at 413 Hood Blvd, Fairless Hills, PA 19030, with Gift Card Drive written in the memo line.