Today, February 11th (2/11) is 211 Day – an annual observance celebrating the go-to, 24/7 three-digit (2-1-1) resource that helps millions of people in the U.S. and Canada – including those in Bucks County – be connected to information about local resources and services.
211 is a vital resource leveraged by Bucks County residents who need assistance with disaster, food, health care, mental health, insurance, stable housing, utility payment, veteran services, childcare and other related needs. In 2023, the service received 19.2K requests from people in Bucks County.
Established in 2000 by the Federal Communications Commission as the three-digit number to reach information and referral services for health, human, and social organizations, today 211 is a resource for help and hope in communities, like Bucks County across North America. Last year, the 211-network received 18 million requests and made a total of 19 million referrals for local services.
During 211 Day, United Way of Bucks County encourages residents in Bucks County to:
- Call, text, or chat 211 if they or someone they know needs help.
- Share 211 widely with their neighbors, family, and friends to connect others to help and supports.
- Advocate to your local policymakers for the importance of and need to strengthen 211.
211 is a 24/7 free, confidential service offered in 180 languages that connects individuals to resources and services in their local communities by phone, text and on the web. Individuals in need or who are looking for information for someone else can Call (211), text your zip code to (898-211) or visit www.PA211.org to connect with a call specialist.